

Since 1988, date in which for the first time LUIMO together with the Radical Party presented a proposition law to recognize Homeopathic Medicine, discussions and law proposals to recognize Non Conventional Medicines (NCM) have became a leitmotif of any new election, with discussions sometime animated, sometime desperate. This new legislation it is not an exception.

Here we publish a series of documents concerning discussions during parliament auditions (documents in Italian), as well as a series of official documents coming from international organizations concerning.
After solicitation from dr. dr. Paolo Roberti di Sarsina, presently consultant member of the Italian Istituto Superiore di Sanità for NCM, LUIMO should be invited to express its opinion on the theme during auditions at the XII Commission Hygiene and Health of the Italian Senate. The position of LUIMO, simple and clear – 1) recognized, long time working associations have to be recognized as formation Institutes in NCM; 2) not less than 600 teaching hours plus 1 year of practical tutoring have to be received by a physician to became Homeopath- limited to Homeopathy learning, it is illustrated in one of the documents (Italian).


L'Informazione omeopatica
a cura della LUIMO: